Wet For Her Blog - Tips, Tricks & Advices on lesbians sex toys.

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Dating Advice for Queer Women
Dating Advice for Queer Women
  • Ideas for Single Babes this Valentine’s Day
    Ideas for Single Babes this Valentine’s Day

     Single this Valentine’s Day? Don’t let that get you in a rut! This holiday is a perfect celebration of all forms of love, including self-love.

  • What is a Packer and How to Use One
    What is a Packer and How to Use One
    Packers are phallic shaped objects, usually made out of silicone, which can be placed in the wearer’s underwear to simulate the look of having a penis. It is particularly used by folks in the transmasculine community, however, it is also popularly used by drag kings and gender non-conforming and gender fluid individuals wanting to experiment with certain looks to combat gender dysphoria. Ultimately, packers are great for anyone wanting to try out the look of carrying a penis. How fun!
  • So You Want to Learn About Gender Affirmative Gear?
    So You Want to Learn About Gender Affirmative Gear?
    Gender Affirmative Gear (GAG) are products and clothing meant to affirm or validate the user's gender identity and gender expression. It falls under the umbrella category of "Gender Affirmation", which are actions taken to ensure the survival and livelihood of one's gender identity, specifically the identities of trans and gender non-conforming people.
  • How To Practice Radical Self-Care During the Holidays: Queer Edition
    How To Practice Radical Self-Care During the Holidays: Queer Edition
    Coming home for the holidays as a queer person can cause extreme feelings of discomfort, fear, and anxiety if you are not fully accepted for who you are. Here are 4 tips to help you practice authenticity and radical self-care this holiday season.
    Let's talk about bathrooms. First, apologies dear readers if I seem exasperated, I am. This blog should be summarized in one sentence: just let other people pee and mind your own business. Unfortunately, the world is not nice, and certain people currently can't access the most basic of human dignities, so here we are.
  • Holiday Gift Guide 2021
    Holiday Gift Guide 2021
    Hey, family! We know this time of year should be merry and gay, so we’re coming to you with our Holiday Gift Guide. Need a little help finding the perfect sex toy for you or your partner? Looking to expand your collection, or simply making your first purchase? We got you babe! Now, go ahead and relax as we present to you the cheeriest and brightest of them all. And by all means, take your time, don’t be shy, and make sure to check your list twice!
  • UNCOVERING QUEER MYTHS: Butch Tops and Femme Bottoms
    UNCOVERING QUEER MYTHS: Butch Tops and Femme Bottoms
    Labels are great when they help us form a congruent sense of self, discover our preferences, or communicate to others. But labels also have a tendency to reinforce binaries and create inflexible pigeonhole identities. One of the binaries I want to challenge is the top-butch, bottom-femme correlation we still see prominently in the queer community.
  • Tentatively Accepting My Bisexuality Part Three
    Tentatively Accepting My Bisexuality Part Three
    Tentatively Accepting My Bisexuality Part Three Buckle up, the story about my queerness is about to get more complicated.
  • Tentatively Accepting My Bisexuality Part Two
    Tentatively Accepting My Bisexuality Part Two
    Tentatively Accepting My Bisexuality Part Two Buckle up, the story about my queerness is about to get more complicated.
  • Tentatively Accepting My Bisexuality
    Tentatively Accepting My Bisexuality
    Tentatively Accepting My Bisexuality Katy Perry's "I kissed a girl" was blasting on all the radio stations when I first considered I might be queer. At the time, I also had a boyfriend and a couple fuck buddies. I didn't love having sex with any of them, but was drunk on the power of being desired. I expressed megalomaniacal contrarian teen beliefs, "monogamy is unnatural" and "women are just objectively hotter than men," not realizing polyamorous or queer folks existed. I believed I was just alternative and knew better than everyone else, in the way sixteen year olds often do.