Wet For Her Blog - Tips, Tricks & Advices on lesbians sex toys.

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Dating Advice for Queer Women
Dating Advice for Queer Women
  • Love and Intimacy From A Distance
    Love and Intimacy From A Distance

    Safe Cybering

    Social distancing measures have disrupted the dating and sex lives of most people. Humans are social creatures that as a group are a pretty horny bunch, so this whole staying-inside-alone thing has required a massive paradigm shift. If you weren’t using your digital devices for sexy-times pre-pandemic, chances are it has crossed your mind since this all started.

  • Pride Play List Lesbian Tunes
    Pride Play List Lesbian Tunes


    0ver 280 cities around the world have either postponed or outright canceled Pride 2020 celebrations in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. This is undoubtedly the right call for public health, as Pride Fest has never been a “socially distant” affair. If anything, it’s the opposite; Pride is a celebration of bodies, sexuality, gender expression, and community all wrapped up in one sweaty, crowded, dancing parade. We love it, and like many in the LGBTQ community, we look forward to Pride Month all year long.