Dating Advice for Queer Women

Dating Advice for Queer Women

The Dating Dance: Flirting Advice for Queer Women

Out and about

          Eye contact

          Light touch

          Keep it together

Keeping in touch

          Be the best version of yourself

          Send sexy texts

          Going home together

Our culture is full of examples of how straight men seduce women (let’s face it, in movies and TV shows, that’s usually how it goes), but where’s our guide for women seeking women? Drum roll please…that guide to seducing a lesbian is right here.

Out and about

When you’re out and about, posted up at the bar, dancing in the club, or really having a good time anywhere, there are a few key tips and tricks to keep in mind when flirting (or trying to flirt) with another woman. Keep reading to get started with a few basics.

Eye contact

The first rule of Flirt Club is…make eye contact! This is a basic human method of forging a connection with another human. But, keep it light. You don’t want to be aggressive, you don’t want to stare and stress anyone out. You just want them to know that you see them, that you’re checking them out. And if you’re engaged in conversation, keep up the eye contact in a natural way to show that you’re listening.

Light touch

Sometimes, all it takes is a little physical contact to spark something. Try some light touch, especially in a way that feels natural to where you’re at in your interaction. Did she just share a personal anecdote? Maybe a light touch of her knee to demonstrate your empathy. Did she make you laugh? Maybe a light touch on the arm as you toss your head back in laughter. Or maybe something more subtle, brushing a bit of hair out of her eyes, with a casual “Let me fix this for you.” You want to keep it light and quick at first, not exerting any pressure per se, but taking the temperature of your connection.

Keep it together

If you’re in a situation where alcohol may be a social lubricant, try to stay self-aware and not get too drunk. First dates or first flirts are critical moments and that means you do not want to get messy. You want to establish a connection and not spill all the beans of your life in one go. Instead of sharing all of your life secrets right away, why not coyly share a sip of your drink?

Keeping in touch

So, you flirted successfully at the bar and scored a phone number? Good job! Now what? How do you proceed when it comes to keeping in touch? Here’s a set of tips for texting, talking and seducing a lesbian from a distance.

Be the best version of yourself

Just because you piqued someone’s interest out at the bar the other night doesn’t always mean you have their attention for long. If you’re texting or chatting on the phone, be direct while maintaining a little bit of mystery. Flaunt your best side without coming off as too arrogant. Keep ‘em hooked and wanting more.

Send sexy texts

In this day in age, texting is likely going to play a big role in any developing relationship. And you want to make sure you’re kindling a little fire under your exchanges. We’re not talking about sexts, not yet anyway, but sending sexy texts. Make sure to add some direct and flirty flourishes, whether in the form of punctuation, emoji or adjectives. The difference between “thinking about you.” and “thinking about you xx????” is pretty significant and you want to give off “more than friends” vibes.

Going home together

After flexing all your flirting muscles, what if you bring home the gold? After all, what’s all that flirting for? If you’re bringing her home for the first (or second or third) time, be sure you’re well-equipped with one of our strap-ons and show her a good time.