Wet For Her - Tips and advices for lesbian sex toys

  • Finger Size Guide
    Finger Size Guide
    Shopping for a new sex toy is an exercise in imagination. Scrolling through pictures, each with the question: what would that *feel* like? How big, long, or thick is the perfect toy? These are key in the pleasure equation for many women but listing off measurements isn’t exactly sexy.
  • Finger Size Guide
    Finger Size Guide
    Shopping for a new sex toy is an exercise in imagination. Scrolling through pictures, each with the question: what would that *feel* like? How big, long, or thick is the perfect toy? These are key in the pleasure equation for many women but listing off measurements isn’t exactly sexy.
  • Noisy Sex
    Noisy Sex
    Seks is een activiteit van de zintuigen, en we bedoelen ze *allemaal*. Aanraken is het eerste zintuig dat in je opkomt, maar het zien, ruiken en proeven van je geliefde zijn allemaal krachtige componenten van opwinding, verlangen en fantasie.
  • Noisy Sex
    Noisy Sex
    Sex is an activity of the senses, and we do mean *all* of them. Touch is the first sense that springs to mind, but the sight, smell, and taste of your lover are all powerful components of arousal, desire, and fantasy.
  • Noisy Sex
    Noisy Sex
    Sex is an activity of the senses, and we do mean *all* of them. Touch is the first sense that springs to mind, but the sight, smell, and taste of your lover are all powerful components of arousal, desire, and fantasy.
  • Noisy Sex
    Noisy Sex
    Sex is an activity of the senses, and we do mean *all* of them. Touch is the first sense that springs to mind, but the sight, smell, and taste of your lover are all powerful components of arousal, desire, and fantasy.
  • 5 Incredibly Fun Sex Toys for Couples
    5 Incredibly Fun Sex Toys for Couples
  • Valentine's Day Gift Guide
    Valentine's Day Gift Guide
    The first official Valentine's Day is subject to debate. Many attribute the holiday to Pope Gelasius who declared February 14th a day of feasts to celebrate the martyred Saint Valentine. This festival replaced Lupercalia, the pagan holiday of fertility and sex. Over the years the meaning and celebration style has evolved, but Cupid the Roman God of Love remains connected to the holiday.
  • Valentine's Day Gift Guide
    Valentine's Day Gift Guide
    The first official Valentine's Day is subject to debate. Many attribute the holiday to Pope Gelasius who declared February 14th a day of feasts to celebrate the martyred Saint Valentine. This festival replaced Lupercalia, the pagan holiday of fertility and sex. Over the years the meaning and celebration style has evolved, but Cupid the Roman God of Love remains connected to the holiday.
  • The Perfect Sex Toy For Your Zodiac Sign
    The Perfect Sex Toy For Your Zodiac Sign
    The next time you shrug off astrology as the source of the world’s cheesiest pickup lines, think again. Much can be learned from studying archetypes, and the zodiac signs are one of humanity’s oldest traditions for considering personality types.