
  • What is a Packer and How to Use One
    What is a Packer and How to Use One
    Packers are phallic shaped objects, usually made out of silicone, which can be placed in the wearer’s underwear to simulate the look of having a penis. It is particularly used by folks in the transmasculine community, however, it is also popularly used by drag kings and gender non-conforming and gender fluid individuals wanting to experiment with certain looks to combat gender dysphoria. Ultimately, packers are great for anyone wanting to try out the look of carrying a penis. How fun!
  • So You Want to Learn About Gender Affirmative Gear?
    So You Want to Learn About Gender Affirmative Gear?
    Gender Affirmative Gear (GAG) are products and clothing meant to affirm or validate the user's gender identity and gender expression. It falls under the umbrella category of "Gender Affirmation", which are actions taken to ensure the survival and livelihood of one's gender identity, specifically the identities of trans and gender non-conforming people.
  • Holiday Gift Guide 2021
    Holiday Gift Guide 2021
    Hey, family! We know this time of year should be merry and gay, so we’re coming to you with our Holiday Gift Guide. Need a little help finding the perfect sex toy for you or your partner? Looking to expand your collection, or simply making your first purchase? We got you babe! Now, go ahead and relax as we present to you the cheeriest and brightest of them all. And by all means, take your time, don’t be shy, and make sure to check your list twice!
  • Queer Sex 101
    Queer Sex 101
    Ik werd gevraagd om een blog te schrijven over queer sex 101. Ik schreef aanvankelijk over barrières, glijmiddel, speelgoed en tribbing. Toen heb ik alles verwijderd. Seksuele voorlichting werd lange tijd gedomineerd door een gesteriliseerd hetero normatief anatomisch perspectief dat zich alleen richt op onthouding, zwangerschap, ziekte en penetratie. Hoewel dat aspecten van seks zijn, mist het het grotere punt: plezier. Ook al zijn we de afgelopen tien jaar in de richting van meer seksepositieve voorlichting gegaan, we repliceren deze ideologie nog steeds door ons primair te richten op de mechanica van seks. Het begrijpen van de functie staat niet gelijk aan goede seks. Queer sex is een kunst, geen recept. Dus vandaag presenteer ik je de grondbeginselen van plezier in plaats van de mechanica van seks:
  • Toys For Every Color Of The Rainbow
    Toys For Every Color Of The Rainbow
    June is finally here, and that means it’s time to celebrate pride month! In the United States, we use this month to commemorate the 1969 Stonewall Riots, a trans-led uprising against police raids of gay bars in New York City. Prominent figures of the Stonewall Riots include trans rights and gay liberation activists Sylvia Rivera and Marsha P. Johnson, who participated in the riots and devoted their lives to uplifting the LGBTQ+ community.
  • Toys For Every Color Of The Rainbow
    Toys For Every Color Of The Rainbow
    June is finally here, and that means it’s time to celebrate pride month! In the United States, we use this month to commemorate the 1969 Stonewall Riots, a trans-led uprising against police raids of gay bars in New York City. Prominent figures of the Stonewall Riots include trans rights and gay liberation activists Sylvia Rivera and Marsha P. Johnson, who participated in the riots and devoted their lives to uplifting the LGBTQ+ community.
  • Intimacy From A Distance
    Intimacy From A Distance
  • Love and Intimacy From A Distance
    Love and Intimacy From A Distance

    Safe Cybering

    Social distancing measures have disrupted the dating and sex lives of most people. Humans are social creatures that as a group are a pretty horny bunch, so this whole staying-inside-alone thing has required a massive paradigm shift. If you weren’t using your digital devices for sexy-times pre-pandemic, chances are it has crossed your mind since this all started.

  • Pride Play List : Son Lesbien
    Pride Play List : Son Lesbien

    Pride Inside (Her) : Des morceaux lesbiens

    Pandémie de Covid-19 oblige, plus de 280 villes dans le monde ont reporté, voire carrément annulé, les festivités de la Pride 2020. C'est sans aucun doute la bonne décision en matière de santé publique, car le festival de la Pride n'a jamais été un événement « socialement distant ». Au contraire : la Pride est une célébration des corps, de la sexualité, de l'expression des genres et de la communauté, le tout emballé dans un défilé dansant, transpirant et plein de monde. Nous en sommes fans et, comme beaucoup de membres de la communauté LGBTQ, nous attendons toute l'année le Mois des Fiertés avec impatience.


  • Pride Play List Lesbian Tunes
    Pride Play List Lesbian Tunes


    0ver 280 cities around the world have either postponed or outright canceled Pride 2020 celebrations in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. This is undoubtedly the right call for public health, as Pride Fest has never been a “socially distant” affair. If anything, it’s the opposite; Pride is a celebration of bodies, sexuality, gender expression, and community all wrapped up in one sweaty, crowded, dancing parade. We love it, and like many in the LGBTQ community, we look forward to Pride Month all year long.