Lesbian Culture

  • Science Of Sex Dreams

    While You Were Sleeping

    Sleeping is a critical part of the human body’s restorative process. Taking a nightly pause lets your body repair damaged cells, produce hormones, and calm the autonomic nervous system. It's also when your brain converts information collected that day into long-term memories.

  • Pride Inside (Her) Lesbian Tunes
    Pride Inside (Her) Lesbian Tunes


    Over 280 cities around the world have either postponed or outright canceled Pride 2020 celebrations in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. This is undoubtedly the right call for public health, as Pride Fest has never been a “socially distant” affair. If anything, it’s the opposite; Pride is a celebration of bodies, sexuality, gender expression, and community all wrapped up in one sweaty, crowded, dancing parade. We love it, and like many in the LGBTQ community, we look forward to Pride Month all year long.