Culture Lesbienne
Queer Sex 101 I was asked to write a blog on queer sex 101. I initially wrote about barriers, lube, toys, and tribbing. Then I deleted everything. Sex education has long been dominated by a sterilized heteronormative anatomical perspective that only focuses on abstinence, pregnancy, disease, and penetration. While those are aspects of sex, it’s missing the bigger point: pleasure. Even as we've moved towards more sex-positive education in the last decade, we still replicate this ideology by focusing primarily on the mechanics of sex. Understanding function doesn't equate to good sex. Queer sex is an art, not a recipe. So today, I present to you the fundamentals of pleasure rather than the mechanics of sex:25 mai 2022
Ik werd gevraagd om een blog te schrijven over queer sex 101. Ik schreef aanvankelijk over barrières, glijmiddel, speelgoed en tribbing. Toen heb ik alles verwijderd. Seksuele voorlichting werd lange tijd gedomineerd door een gesteriliseerd hetero normatief anatomisch perspectief dat zich alleen richt op onthouding, zwangerschap, ziekte en penetratie. Hoewel dat aspecten van seks zijn, mist het het grotere punt: plezier. Ook al zijn we de afgelopen tien jaar in de richting van meer seksepositieve voorlichting gegaan, we repliceren deze ideologie nog steeds door ons primair te richten op de mechanica van seks. Het begrijpen van de functie staat niet gelijk aan goede seks. Queer sex is een kunst, geen recept. Dus vandaag presenteer ik je de grondbeginselen van plezier in plaats van de mechanica van seks:25 mai 2022
Mei is de maand van masturbatie Maak je klaar om het te doen met de meest sexy persoon in de kamer (jezelf!), deze 28 mei, Internationale Masturbatiedag. Dit is een vakantie doordrenkt met zoveel plezier dat het uitmondde in een hele maand van het vieren van de rechten en beloningen van masturbatie25 mai 2022
June is finally here, and that means it’s time to celebrate pride month! In the United States, we use this month to commemorate the 1969 Stonewall Riots, a trans-led uprising against police raids of gay bars in New York City. Prominent figures of the Stonewall Riots include trans rights and gay liberation activists Sylvia Rivera and Marsha P. Johnson, who participated in the riots and devoted their lives to uplifting the LGBTQ+ community.25 mai 2022
June is finally here, and that means it’s time to celebrate pride month! In the United States, we use this month to commemorate the 1969 Stonewall Riots, a trans-led uprising against police raids of gay bars in New York City. Prominent figures of the Stonewall Riots include trans rights and gay liberation activists Sylvia Rivera and Marsha P. Johnson, who participated in the riots and devoted their lives to uplifting the LGBTQ+ community.25 mai 2022
25 mai 2022
Good news -- you don’t need long fingers to please a vulva-owning partner! Since most sexual pleasure comes from external stimulation or shallow internal stimulation, short, stubby fingers can still make your sweetheart scream your name.25 mai 2022
Good news -- you don’t need long fingers to please a vulva-owning partner! Since most sexual pleasure comes from external stimulation or shallow internal stimulation, short, stubby fingers can still make your sweetheart scream your name.25 mai 2022
Good news -- you don’t need long fingers to please a vulva-owning partner! Since most sexual pleasure comes from external stimulation or shallow internal stimulation, short, stubby fingers can still make your sweetheart scream your name.25 mai 2022
The next time you shrug off astrology as the source of the world’s cheesiest pickup lines, think again. Much can be learned from studying archetypes, and the zodiac signs are one of humanity’s oldest traditions for considering personality types.25 mai 2022
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