The lesbian sex survey results
The Lesbian Sex Survey was conducted from June 2019 to August 2019. A total of 2,436
participants responded. 91% of these identify as women.
Women & sex
When we asked women about their sex lives, we got a diversity of
responses that varied by sexual orientation.
Lesbian sexual orientation was reported to have a better orgasms
frequency with 88.7% of the time lesbians women reach the orgasm.
Women identified as Queer have only 80.5% of the time an orgasm.
Straight women reported having 85.7% of the time an orgasm.
Straight women reported the lowest levels of frequency for intercourse
- only 62% of straight-identified participants reported having
intercourse more than once a week, while almost 25% of that
demographic has intercourse less than once per month.
On the other hand, Queer women came on top (pun intended) with 73% on
average having intercourse weekly, and only 13% indicating that
intercourse occurred less than monthly.
All women surveyed had comparable experiences in terms of orgasm type
regardless of orientation; women have clitoral orgasms with 94% of the
time and only 54% for vaginal orgasms. Whatever the sexuality when it
comes to orgasms, all women agreed that clitoral orgasms were what
worked for them.
Sexual happiness in women
Relationship status and orgasm frequency are the biggest drivers
of sexual satisfaction. Single women reported having at only 4%
a very happy sex life while on the opposite end of the
spectrum 41% of women in a relationship said their sex life is
very happy.
A very happy sex life satisfaction drops from 41% for women into
a relationship to 28% when they are married.
Orgasms aren’t the only part of sex that is enjoyable but they are
certainly noticeable when absent, so it’s no surprise that more than
half the women who claimed to orgasm rarely said their sex life
could be better. Women having rarely an orgasm said having a very
happy sex life at only 12% while women having an orgasm each time
were at 43% having a very happy sex life.
For the women who do report frequent orgasms, any time of day can be
the right time (where there’s a will, there’s a way!) but morning
and afternoon were tied for the best time of day to get down and
dirty. Having sex before sleep is reported to be the moment for
fewer orgasms.
Lesbians relationships
The lesbian community as the quality of a whole value over quantity,
as more than half of participants, have averaged 10 or fewer sexual
partners; but on the balance, the respondents were highly satisfied
with their sex lives.
69% of our survey takers reported feeling “Very Happy” or “Happy” while
only 4% reported being “Unhappy” with their current sex lives. 80% of
survey-takers reported being either married or in a relationship.
Lesbians report having at 85% a sexual monogamous relationship and
80% are either in a relationship or married.
Lesbians sex
89% of Lesbians have an orgasm most of the time when they have
sex. Almost every session included an orgasm via clitoral
stimulation, and 1 in 2 sessions included a vaginal orgasm.
These aren’t just quickies either, as more than half of
respondents said their average sex session lasts between 30
minutes to an hour.
Of course, there is also the over-achieving 14% who claim
their sex is an hour-long affair at a minimum.
Lesbians & sex locations
From between the sheets and out to the streets, lesbians are
getting it on in all sorts of places besides their bedrooms.
The car, the office, the beach... it seems queer women can
find something erotic in almost any location.
Crowd favorites among our survey takers included the shower
and public spaces like cinema. If you’re seeking sex that
also challenges your knowledge of American History, one of
our respondents recommended Consitution Ave in Washington
D.C. for an ambitious public sex-capade
Lesbian sex in the western world
French lesbians are overall the happiest with their sex lives, with
75% reporting a Happy Sex life, followed by Germany with 74%. While
France and Germany reported having the happiest sex life they are
not reaching orgasms each time they have sex. German lesbians
reported having more sex compared to other counties
The Canadians really hit it out of the park with 98% reporting orgasms
each time they have sex.
The U.K. lesbians could use a little love, as they are the least
satisfied with their sex lives of the countries surveyed. Only 58%
of U.K. respondents are having sex once a week or more.
Lesbians culture
Gender is a fluid spectrum, but along that river, there are
definitely anchored archetypes of gender presentation and
some may turn you on more than others.
Lesbians who identified as butch or masculine will be more
inclined to make love to you. They will be more often on
top of you. Butch and masculine lesbians prefer at 37% to
make love to other women.
No matter the gender presentation, lesbians claim the most
important attribute in attraction is behavior and attitude
and breast size is last with only 38% as an attractive attribute.
44% of lesbians reported to have or are planning to have children.
Queer women and sex with men
Sexuality is a long, winding road that often includes some detours
along the way, and for many young queers this includes having
heterosexual sex during their sexual coming-of-age experiences.
In total 64% of lesbian-identified participants claimed to have
had sex with a man at least once and 20% of them enjoyed the
experience while 99% of Bisexual identified had sex with a man
and enjoyed it at 81%.
Of the survey-takers who had slept with a man, the preferences
were varied according to gender presentation; almost a quarter
of feminine-identified participants claimed to enjoyed (but
not preferred) sex with men, while butch and masculine
respondents said the same only 10% and 11% respectively.